Itineraries of great interest

The Alt Empordà is a region with a great cultural and artistic richness that allows us to make itineraries of great interest:

Megalithic Empordà: Megalithic Monuments of La Jonquera, Creu de Cobertella Dolmen

Greco-Roman Empordà: Greco-Roman : Ruins of Empúries

Empordà Romanesque: Canonical of Santa Maria de Vilabertran, Monastery of Sant Pere de Rodes, Cloister of Santo Domingo de Peralada

Fortified Empordà
: Castle of Requesens, Castle of San Fernando, San Llorenç de la Muga

Empordà Condal
: Sant Martí d'Empúries, Castelló d'Empúries, Peralada

Empordà Surrealist: Dalí Theater-Museum, Cadaqués, Púbol

Gastronomic Empordà: DO Empordà-Costa Brava, many traditional and avant-garde restaurants

Musical Empordà
: Music Festival of Peralada, Schubertíada in Vilabertran

Jewish Empordà
: Besalú. Castelló d'Empúries